Instruction Our Libraries





Article 1.

Regulation of terms of usage sources of Üsküdar University.


Article 2.

Instruction of Üsküdar University Library and Documentation and regulations about the subject.


Article 3.

  1. University: Üsküdar University,
  2. Library: Library of Üsküdar University,
  3. Library management: Üsküdar University Library and Documentation Directorship
  4. User: Ones who use the information and document sources of Üsküdar University Library.
  5. Materiel/ publication: Every kind of registered printed and online information source.
  6. Program: YORDAM catalog


Library Rules and Principles of Use

Article 4.

Terms of Use

  1. The academic and administrative staff and the students of the university are able to borrow any publication in a condition of becoming a member of the library. The library management must be headed for membership registration by the university ID of owner’s.
  2. The ones who will use the library have to submit the university ID. The users are allowed to borrow every kind of library material only by this ID.
  3. Graduaters are allowed to use the library sources but not to borrow any materials.
  4. The library is available for the other university’s academicians as a necessity of the interuniversity cooperation



Article 5.

Terms of Borrowing Books

  1. The university companions can borrow any materiels as in the rules shown below;


Students (including master’s and doctorate)

3 books for 15 days

3 DVDs for 3 days

1 Lesson Book for 1 day

Extension once

Academical personal

15 books for one semester

3 DVDs for 3 days


Extension once

Administrative staff

3 books for 15 days

3 DVDs for 3 days


Extension once


  1. It is forbidden to borrow any materiels with someone’s ID.
  2. The users who have past-due materials upon ID or indebted for belated materiels are not allowed to have transcripts, student or graduation documents. These obstackles are removed when the materiels are returned to the library and the past-due fines are paid.
  3. The users are allowed to borrow no more materiels without returning the past-due materiels and paying the past-due fines.
  4. Book or Books which are on another user can be reserved online or by desk. The users can not reserve more than 3 books.The reservation is cancelled if the reserved books are not borrowed in 3 days after announcement. The return date of the books which are borrowed can be extended once for 15 days by the time 3 days left the first return date.
  5. The librarians are allowed to call back any books if necessary.
  6. The reference sources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlas (exc.); the last volumes of the periodicals, nonprinted postgraduated thesis and manuscript publications are not allowed to borrow but it is up to library managements permissions to work on these sources.
  7. Users are able to request sources for research from other libraries, in this situation the library terms of use and loaning is valid.
  8. In case of losing or holding up the materiels, penal rules of the related library is valid.
  9. The library is able to loan 5 books for 20 days at once within the rules of interlibraries loaning service.
  10. Shipment is belong to borrowing library.
  11. The borrowing library is responsible to loaning library for any issues about the borrowing materiels.
  12. Any precaution is taken by the library management against being lost or taken unauthorized of the materiels.
  13. The University companions and students are able to access with the user codes given to the e-sources which the library has subscribed, inside or outside the university. During the usage it is a must to obey the rules of agreements of the Library and the provider. Nonobservant users are allowed to be restricted and financial fines are charged by the cooperation.
  14. The Library management has to report to university management if any commercial usage, irrevelant member usage or illegal copying is determined.


Article 6.

Delaying Fine

If any materials which are borrowed by users are not returned in date, a delaying fine is applied daily or hourly. The amount of fine is agreed by the university board in the start of semester.

2019-2020 semester delaying amounts are:

Article 7.

Loss Procedure

In case of losing or harming the borrowed materiels;

For any materiels which are not returned in time, a reminder is sent by university board. If the material is not returned in 1 month after reminder, it is accepted as lost.In case of losing or harming a materiel, user is fined to pay double amount of materiel.

The same procedure is applied by lended books by ILL service.

Article 8.

Dropout- Interruption of education

In case of dropout students and companions leaving university:

It is not allowed leaving university without returning the materials which are borrowed before. To be able to complete dropout process, it is a must to have and transmit a clear document to human resources. If an active fine resist, this clean document is not given by library management.

Article 9.

Registrations in the library automation system are taken as basis for loan-return, loss and interruption transactions and delay fee applications.


I have read and accepted the library rules and terms of use contained in this agreement.


Dear Library Users,

(Instagram: uukutuphane, Twitter: uukutuphane)