Instruction Our Libraries





Article 1

This regulation defines Üsküdar University Library and Documentation Department, determines its duties and working principles.


Article 2

It organizes the coordination of Üsküdar University Library with other education units.



Article 3

From the terms used in the directive:

University: Üsküdar University,
Library: Üsküdar University Library,
Library Management: Üsküdar University Library and Documentation Department,
Library and Documentation Department: The unit that provides the administrative coordination and operation of all libraries of Üsküdar University,
User: Persons who benefit from the documents and information resources in the Üsküdar University Library,
Publication/Material: All kinds of registered printed and electronic information sources,
Program: YORDAM Catalog,
Rare Cultural Artifact: It refers to works that are rare, such as cradle-era prints, manuscripts, old periodicals, which are very difficult or impossible to replace.

Duties and powers of Üsküdar University Library and Documentation Department

Article 4

In the university library, library services are carried out by the Department.

Article 5

Qualifications, duties and powers of the Head of Department:

The Head of the Department is appointed from among those who have received undergraduate or graduate librarianship education and are experienced in their field.
It creates the necessary staff for the library services to be carried out without interruption, provides the management and division of labor, and fulfills the duties of maid training and supervision.
It provides standardization and control of technical and reader services.
Follows seminars and conferences organized in the country and abroad on librarianship,
By following the developments in the field of librarianship, it works for the introduction of new technology into the library,
At the end of each year, it submits the report on the activities of the university library to the Rectorate.

Article 6

Library collection; Printed materials such as books, theses, magazines and DVDs, VCDs, slides, etc. consists of audio-visual material and electronic resources. Collection; It is created, developed and made available to the user through purchase and donation.

Publication selection by purchase

Article 7

Publication requests of faculty members are made through the relevant Deans and Directorates. Evaluation of requests is made by the Library Department. The determined publications are decided by the library budget approved by the General Secretariat of that year. Orders are made for requests approved by the Rectorate.


Article 8

The donations made by the relevant institutions and persons are examined by the Library Department in terms of their suitability and integrity and included in the collection. Publications that do not comply with their suitability and integrity are given as donations to other libraries.


Conditions of Use

Article 9

  1. Academic, administrative staff and students registered at the university can borrow publications provided that they are members of the library. For membership registration, an application must be made with a university identity card.
  2. The person who will benefit from the library must present the university identity card. The user makes the borrowing process for each library material with this card.
  3. Our graduates can use library resources and cannot borrow publications.
  4. As a requirement of inter-university cooperation, the university library is open to faculty members of other universities.
  5. The use of the library by graduate students, external users approved by the rectorate and faculty members of other universities is only appropriate outside the exam periods.
  6. External users who are not students or academicians at any institution can use the institution's libraries with the approval of the rectorate.
  7. In projects carried out by the institution, all participants can use the institution's libraries.

Borrowing Conditions

Article 10

a.University members can borrow material according to the following rules;
Students (associate, undergraduate, preparatory, graduate and doctoral students) 5 books in 15 days, 3 DVDs in 3 days, 1 textbook for 1 day, 2 times extension

Academic staff  10 books in 1 month, 3 DVDs in 3 days

Administrative staff 10 books in 15 days, 3 DVDs in 3 days

b.It is not possible to borrow with someone else's ID card.
c.Transcripts, student and graduation certificates are not given to users who have overdue materials and delay penalties. These barriers are removed when the publications are returned to the library and the delay penalty is paid.
d.Users cannot borrow new publications without returning the overdue publications on them.
e.The book or books available to another user can be reserved. Users can book up to 5 books. If the reserved books are not received within 3 days from the announcement, the reservation will be cancelled. If not requested by another user, the loan period of the borrowed book can be extended twice 3 days before its return. Extensions can be made by coming to the library in person, by writing on 24/7 live chat, by calling, by accessing from social media accounts or through the program.
f.Library staff can request the borrowed book back from the user when necessary.
g.Encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas etc. Reference sources, latest issues of periodicals, unpublished graduate theses, manuscripts and rare printed works are not lent outside the library. Examination of manuscripts and rare printed works is subject to permission.
h.Academic and administrative staff, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students may request publications for research from other university libraries, the lending policy of the relevant library applies.
i.In case the publication is lost or delayed, the penal rules of the relevant library are processed.
j.The library lends 5 books for 30 days (including postal time) within the scope of inter-library cooperation.
k.Shipping costs belong to the library that made the request.
l.The library that makes the request for damages and losses that may occur during the use of books given to other university libraries by the library is responsible to our library.
m.Every precaution is taken against unauthorized acquisition and loss of library materials.
n.Üsküdar University members and students can access electronic publications to which the university library subscribes online, from within and outside the university, with the e-mail address information provided to them. During this use, it is obligatory to comply with the license agreement between the manufacturer and the library. Users who do not comply with these rules may be restricted from accessing the system, and financial penalties arising from the violation liability will be collected from them.
o.When it is detected that a large number of prints or electronic copies are systematically made from databases for any purpose and robot software and similar tools are used for this, sharing the user name and password with others, and the use of the information for commercial purposes, this situation is reported to the Rectorate for administrative and legal action.
p.Rare cultural artifacts are not available for loan. If the Rare Cultural Artifacts owned by the library are not copyrighted, they are copied electronically and made available through the library discovery tool; In case of copyright problems, a single original edition is copied and stored in the library archive. Rare Cultural Artifacts can be exhibited in the display cabinet in the İbrahim Tarhan Library in the North Campus.

Article 11

If library materials borrowed by academic, administrative staff and students are not returned on time, a daily and hourly fine is charged. The amount of this penalty is applied by the decision of the Board of Trustees, recommended by the Library Department, before the academic year begins.

Article 12

In case of lost or worn out borrowed material:

A reminder letter is written once from the Rector's Office for the borrowed material (books, periodicals, DVDs, etc.). If the item is not returned within one month, the item is considered lost. Those who borrow material from the library and damage or lose it pay the late fee of the material and supply the same material to the library.

For resources obtained through interlibrary loan (ILL), all penalties are doubled.

Article 13

In case of academic and administrative staff and students leaving the university:

The leave and dismissal procedures cannot be completed without returning the library materials borrowed from the library by the academic and administrative personnel who have left the university on leave, retired or resigned for a certain period of time. In order for these processes to be completed, it is obligatory to take the document, which he received from the Library Department, stating that he is not related, to the Personnel Department. Dismissal documents are not given to university members who are affiliated with the library.

A user who interrupts his/her education even though the material borrowed from the library is recorded on it is reported to the Rector's Office for administrative/legal action.

Article 14

This directive entered into force with the Senate decision dated 21.02.2013 and numbered 2013-03.

Article 15

This directive is executed by the Rector of Üsküdar University.

Dear Library Users,

(Instagram: uukutuphane, Twitter: uukutuphane)