About Taylor & Francis e-Book database Subscription Our Libraries

Dear users,

Taylor & Francis e-Book database have been made available to our university.

More than 165,000 e-books are currently available on the platform, which includes e-books from Taylor & Francis publishing house, which offers interdisciplinary content with its experience from the 1800s to the present.

The number of e-books on some topics is as follows:

Humanities 35,898
Social sciences 24,814
Politics and international relations 23,392
Economy, Finance, Business and Industry 19,361
Behavioral sciences 16,905
Engineering and Technology 16,404

*Books are also accessed through our EDS system.

Access address: https://www-taylorfrancis-com.proxy.uskudar.edu.tr/search?sortBy=relevance&key=&isLicensed=true

Dear Library Users,

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