About AMBOSS - Medical Schools Platform Trial Access Extension Our Libraries

Dear users,

The AMBOSS database, which is a question bank for Medical Faculties, is on trial access until 30.06.2023.

Developed by physicians for physicians in 2012, AMBOSS aims to help them provide the best possible care. AMBOSS is a digital resource with several components, including an interactive library of over 20,000 medical topics and an interconnected Question Bank with over 6,000 clinical case-based questions. Students, educators, and physicians use the tools in AMBOSS to help them achieve their learning goals as they go through the many stages of their education. AMBOSS is not only useful for independent study, but has also been successfully integrated into medical school curricula, supporting administrators and educators in their efforts to educate students.

Click for registration.

*You must use your institutional e-mail address (...@uskudar.edu.tr or ...@st.uskudar.edu.tr) when creating a account. If there is a account you have created before, you can log in with that account information.

Dear Library Users,

(Instagram: uukutuphane, Twitter: uukutuphane)