About Eid Ramadan Holiday Library Working Hours Our Libraries

Dear users,

Due to the Eid Ramadan holiday, our libraries will be closed between 06.04.2024 and 14.04.2024 (The 24/7 study area on the second floor of the Faculty of Medicine will also be closed for cleaning between 07.04.2024 and 12.04.2024).

Books returned between these dates have been extended until the week after the holiday. Y

ou can see the current return date of your books by logging in at https://books.uskudar.edu.tr/yordam/?p=2&devam=2f796f7264616d2f&dil=3#girisFormKapsayan. If you have forgotten your password or are going to get a password for the first time, you can click on I forgot my password/ not created field at the same address and get a new password. For your research, you can use “search all” section on the library website.

We wish you happy holidays.

Dear Library Users,

(Instagram: uukutuphane, Twitter: uukutuphane)